Astrology, Crystals, Spirituality

Energy harvest

Blessed be on this Equinox everyone!

A late one today as was running the Working with Crystals workshop tonight. The Aquarian surprised me by asking to come along. I had to check my phone several times (it is retrograde Mercury after all) to see whether i was seeing things or whether he was just being…well…Aquarian! But no, he was serious.  I think my heart expanded to twice its size.

It expanded even futher as my lovely friend came with our spirit animal and mascot, Mia, to join in the crystal fun. Yes I was definitely feeling the love engendered by these incredible souls.

The energy in the space just gets more and more special each day. Any fears and worries I had have melted away. It’s doing what it is supposed to, reaching those that it is meant to and it will be an amazing journey!

This is my harvest. Trust and faith, gratitude and service.

Namaste ✨

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