Astrology, community, Friendship, Hope, social media, wellbeing

Social Re-Construction

I have decided to have a social media cleanse. One morning this week I found myself scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and in a moment of clarity realised that I had no conscious clue how I had got there. I stopped, closed the app and went about my chores for the day seemingly productively distracted.… Continue reading Social Re-Construction

Angels, Astro-Rocks, Complementary therapy, Crystals, Dating, Friendship, Gratitude, Help, Mind Body Spirit, Shop, Space, Spiritual work, Spirituality, storytelling, Tarot, Work, Yoga

Pop Up Love

Saturday 13 February saw another successful community event for the burgeoning RSL Collective. For this we ‘borrowed’ the unit next door so we could spread (the love) along the first three Units of the freshly painted Queens Parade in Willesden Green. As I truly know (and am making a business from it), Valentine’s Day brings… Continue reading Pop Up Love

Astrology, Complementary therapy, Decision making, Friendship, Gratitude, Hope, Meditation, Mind Body Spirit, Shop, Space, Spiritual work, Spirituality, Work

Wave Goodbye, Say Hello

After an incredible and lively party on Halloween, enjoyed by both people and energetic beings alike, we have focused on the themes of regeneration and renewal.  Samhain, the pagan ritual from which we take most of our Halloween hullabaloo, denoted Summer's End and a time to honour the ancestors, reflect upon life and death and… Continue reading Wave Goodbye, Say Hello

Friendship, Gratitude, Mind Body Spirit, Shop, Space, Spiritual work, Work

Light work

Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. This was one of my life mantras. My time in HR spent trying to find the ultimate "happy" fulfilling workplace. Occasionally I'd get there for a bit and love it then I would become dis-illusioned and the work would again… Continue reading Light work

Crystals, Friendship, Meditation, Mind Body Spirit, Planning, Space, Spiritual work


That work work work was in full swing today: Pricing, sorting, sharing, enthusing, connecting, exchanging and practising. Not just me either, this was the buzz in the shop as people came and fully engaged with what there was to offer. At one point I looked over and smiled to see 3 ladies sitting on various… Continue reading Occupied

Friendship, Mind Body Spirit, Planning, Shop, Space, Tarot, Work, Yoga

Planning with Pentacles

It's been a juggling day today. This is good. Reminds me of the Two of Pentacles in Tarot. In the Rider Waite deck he is a happy soul juggling two golden coins. Positively expressed it could be about multi-tasking, bringing things together and starting to create something new. For me its been about starting the… Continue reading Planning with Pentacles

Crystals, Friendship, Space, Spiritual work, Work

Healing Resources

25. It's been quiet in the shop today so i've been taking the time to work on my ever growing to do list. After sorting out some of the "absolutely must do's" and managed to find the space and energy to devote to something that has been gently buzzing around my energy field since the… Continue reading Healing Resources

Hope, Meditation, Planning, Spiritual work, Work, Yoga

Pregnant pause

26 Another unexpected moment... I didn't expect that I would be sitting in a shop this time last year for sure. In a meditation room, certainly not.  Holding a space for Pregnancy Yoga? Couldn't have begun to fathom that was possible. But that is what is happening right now.  If ever I wanted to receive… Continue reading Pregnant pause

Friendship, Hope, Planning, Shop, Space, Spirituality


Not all messages are words. Nor are they pictures. Sometimes they are people. I had a session today with my coach where we got into an exploration of "self-chat" that, if we all confessed to each other, we all have. That second guessing, constantly evaluating and comparing, inner critic.  Running a shop, through inner guidance… Continue reading Sustained

Crystals, Self-care, Shop, Space, Spiritual work, Spirituality, Work

The Cuddle Grid

It's been another lovely day in the shop. After meditating this morning before opening I was drawn to "grid" the shop with rose quartz. Gridding is one of the great ways to work with crystals by placing them in different patterns around a space or around a person. It raises the vibration as well as… Continue reading The Cuddle Grid