Astrology, Hope, Mind Body Spirit, Planning, Spiritual work, Spirituality

New Moon messages

New Moon in Virgo today and as this is a significant moon for both myself and my particular Bikram loving Sun in Virgo companion we are going to do some work with the Moon herself tonight. Virgo, the sign of service, of discernment, the critical evaluator, is calling us to reflect upon what is important,… Continue reading New Moon messages

Astro-Rocks, Planning, Shop, Work

Mother’s invention

A whole afternoon of wedding planning today so no time or capacity for planning of any other kind. Luckily my Mum has been on the case in her own unique way.  I mentioned in an earlier post how grateful I am for the support around me.  Connections old and new including my family.  And you've… Continue reading Mother’s invention

Astrology, Friendship, Mind Body Spirit, Planning, Spiritual work, Work

No-nonsense co-operation

We had our second Meetup group today.  A small group again but lots of useful information shared and mutual support given and thanks to the alchemy created by the players we came up with a way of describing our group: No-nonsense Spirituality. Of course the title is a litte tongue in cheek but there is… Continue reading No-nonsense co-operation

Spiritual work

Heart space

It's another beautiful Spring day in London town. I am completely inspired and motivated after yesterday's talk by Lynne McTaggart and the added delight of Howard Martin of the Heart Math Institute.  Both reminded me in very different ways that we are all incredibly powerful beings with the ability to create a new world of… Continue reading Heart space